Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Really Bad Credit and Personal Loans

Q. so i am a college student with really bad credit. I filed
bankruptcy last year, (will be 1 yr on July 13th), and i have one
credit card that is open, in goodstanding, and current.
My problem is this. I got an offer to go down to a fair to meet a rep
for a job interview. It has been my dream to work with this company
but i dont have the money to make it down to the interview. I live in
NY and the interview is in NC.
I really need to take out a loan so that i can get down there and get
this job. If i do, the company will sponsor my internship for my
degree. The only problem is, i guess i am considered a High Risk
candidate for loans, since i declared bankruptcy only 1 yr ago. I am
looking to take out a $700 loan (price for airfare, hotel, business
clothes, and emergency money), which is not bad for me (as i work in a
call center and can work overtime galore). But the problem is i need
it now! (by the 25th of July to be exact).
My question is, does anyone here know of any banks that will lend to
high risk candidates??? Everywhere i turn, i get denied because of my
horrible credit, and i hate the fact that i am going to loose a job
offer because i couldnt afford the interview. Normally, i would have
this money saved up, but i had a death in the family last month, and
spent alot of my savings dealing with the funeral procedures.
A. -Put it on your credit card.
-So why do you need to go in such luxury? Cannot you borrow a
car from your mom, then drive to North Carolina? Isn’t it
just down I-95 about 12 hours? You can park overnight at a
Wal-Mart or a truck stop, take

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